Friday, December 14, 2018

How do you describe Alice?

The first time I visited an art gallery was when I was a young adult in London. I was in awe!Art has always been my cup of tea and fast forward to now,I have been to art shows or art exhibitions but it doesn't have any impact on me.
We wore mask

Today was different. I attended the first interesting art exhibition in Ipoh. It's a Solo 

art exhibition called Dream Within A Dream by Alice Ng.
Alice in black with Agnes 
Her exhibition is not 'mainstream '.Indie perhaps but not stereotype at all. She exhibits her masterpieces in a laidback manner, no protocols, no rules and everyone that came were probably intrigue and felt like they belong.To make a person feels belong is never easy let alone with a crowd of young and old people who are passionate about art in whatever form.
The introduction of Alice's Solo Exhibition by her friend.

We were each given a mask to put on and it was Peter's idea.Well Peter is a close friend of Alice and he said that everyone wears a mask in their daily life,they are not real to the world so let's all put on the mask!  There was live music played by their close friend Kenny and guests  were free to danced or sing for that matter.My sister and my friend danced as Kenny played the old song 'Country Road.' It was cool. I love how everything seems to blend together

The 'show' started with an introduction by a couple whom my husband referred to as 'John and Yoko '.They know Alice for more than 25 years so they are the best people to describe Alice..They gave a beautiful speech describing Alice the artist.It was an emotional and beautiful speech that made me shed tears.Then Alice spoke about her journey on the road less travelled, how tough it was for her and her struggle with life as an artist .She knows that it is not easy to generate income through her paintings at the moment  but she's doing something that she loves.Thats the beauty of her journey.

After that it was music and food all the way with guests mingling and getting to know one another.I met my old friends and those that belongs to my group on Facebook.
I  cannot describe the art work because my perception may be different from yours . Therefore I will share the paintings with you. Alice is truly talented and her art is contemporary.

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