Sunday, September 24, 2017

Bruno Mars wannabe

Remember the Zumba video of a Bruno Mars song   which I posted on my previous blog? Well my tutor, Adeline was so kind, knowing that I love the song and dance version so today after our class she gave me the honour of dancing to that song with a few good friends plus her too and had it taped on video. So we have our very own Zumba video to the song by Bruno Mars. Hey, Bruno will be thrilled!
The best part about the whole episode is that we gained confidence which is important and we had lots and lots of fun.Not forgetting team work because one of the student willingly became the camera woman. It was my first experience dancing on video and my gratitude goes to Adeline for being a sport.
Let me give you a snippet of the girls from Groove Fitness Ipoh that are in the video .OK there's this lovely lady who is like a big sister  to practically all of Adeline 's students. They lovingly call her 'Ngor Cher' but silly me accidentally called her Ngar Choi which means 'taugeh '.I am sure that had it been someone else, I would probably receive a slap for calling that, literally but not this lady. She is bubbly and have a great sense of humour.
Wendy was the first girl that striked a conversation  with me at Groove and for that I am thankful. She's the girl with beautiful eyes and she speaks Malay well. She mixes with everyone regardless of race and of course she has a beautiful figure after all the years of Zumba.
Then there's my mate Wye Peng  who has been with me for more than ten years. Like me ,she is new at Groove but seems to adapt nicely and I can tell that she's happy with Zumba. Another girl is Joey. Fantastic dancer and  she is full of zest. I think Adeline gave out that aura and energy to us.As they said, if you want to know how good  the teacher is than you must look at her students.

Did I miss anyone that was in the video.Oh there is Josephine, the polite girl that loves Zumba. She is a good dancer too and I suppose all of them are well trained by Adeline.If I miss out a name of the others in the video, I am sorry  but if I am not
wrong the other charming lady is Ruby. I am not good with names, soon I will forget my own name!

I will be sharing the video of us doing our thing here and we hope to do more videos in the future. Hey Bruno Mars, this one is for you. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

What's your health regime?

So I wrote about my love affair with Zumba last week.This could be a continuation or it is not.Your choice.I was browsing through the net and noticed that many gyms are now available in Ipoh town.The MB called it the 'Hipster city'.Hipster is one thing but what about healthy city?

I do find Ipoh folks to be very health conscious ,yes it's not going to cost a bomb to exercise in Ipoh.In the morning you will see ppl of all ages running,walking or tai chi at the popular spot 'Polo Ground'Not only that but some may even go to the Kledang hill to climb.I used to climbed that beautiful hill almost every week cos I love the smell of nature.There are older ppl than me climbing that hill and the view from the top is magnificent.

Then , once upon a time I frequent the gym at the swimming club.Not bragging but I do weights before and oh before I forget my proud moment was when I climbed mount Irau through the mossy jungle.It was damn tough but I did it.I consider myself a fitness freak.Then there is my passion for yoga.Been practicing it for like ten years and I believed that yoga makes a person strong and agile.The health benefit for yoga is tremendous .

Have you heard of the insanity workout by Shaun T?I completed the whole two months and after that I stopped cos it's the same thing over n over.You need to find the right type of fitness that makes you happy. Therefore you have to try out and as for me I have found what makes me tick!

It's Zumba for me plus piloxing and Strong.All comes under one roof and my tutor is very good.I won't give too many praises cos you might think I want to 'bodek' her.Adeline you are the best!
Companions during our exercises plays an important role and at groove fitness Ipoh all the ppl are amazing.They come in all kinds of shapes,races and characters.There are funny ones,proud ones but at the end of the day,it's them that makes the class fun and ofcos credit goes to the tutor for giving us her time and effort.The wonderful songs and new steps that she chose for us.

The bottom line here is that Ipoh ppl are healthy ppl cos we have the time for exercise and so many places to go for fitness. I wish to say that Ipoh is not only a hipster city but a healthy city.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Let's groove to the beat

"Luly let's join Zumba at Groove Fitness Ipoh" said my friend since we wanted to lose weight.I was skeptical because I feel that I am too old but somehow the child in me won over and we enrolled.

My first impression of groove finess was  Wow very up to date!There are cctvs ,water cooler for us to drink ,our own key and a huge air cooler.Well ventilated.

So my first class began with a teacher called Anie.She is the sweetest thing,grooving to the beat with her hair flowing and I was panting! Hey it's my first class.Anie is good but I have yet to try Adeline's class.

Adeline is the founder of groove fitness Ipoh and for Zumba 'kaki' Adeline was the pioneer in Ipoh.So I went for her class and understood why ppl are attracted to her.The minute she goes up everything seems to light up.She is de bomb.Clad in a fancy and up to date Zumba outfit she is full of swag.She is a fantastic teacher and I fell in love with Zumba because of her.

With 10 certificates of Zumba technique she does it out of passion.I now joined her piloxing and recently she introduced Strong to us.

I never feel my age when I am with Adeline cos she never treated me like an oldie.I supposed I am the oldest woman doing Strong in her class which goes to show that age is just a number.

I could go on and on about Zumba by Adeline but I will save it for another day