Saturday, September 16, 2017

Let's groove to the beat

"Luly let's join Zumba at Groove Fitness Ipoh" said my friend since we wanted to lose weight.I was skeptical because I feel that I am too old but somehow the child in me won over and we enrolled.

My first impression of groove finess was  Wow very up to date!There are cctvs ,water cooler for us to drink ,our own key and a huge air cooler.Well ventilated.

So my first class began with a teacher called Anie.She is the sweetest thing,grooving to the beat with her hair flowing and I was panting! Hey it's my first class.Anie is good but I have yet to try Adeline's class.

Adeline is the founder of groove fitness Ipoh and for Zumba 'kaki' Adeline was the pioneer in Ipoh.So I went for her class and understood why ppl are attracted to her.The minute she goes up everything seems to light up.She is de bomb.Clad in a fancy and up to date Zumba outfit she is full of swag.She is a fantastic teacher and I fell in love with Zumba because of her.

With 10 certificates of Zumba technique she does it out of passion.I now joined her piloxing and recently she introduced Strong to us.

I never feel my age when I am with Adeline cos she never treated me like an oldie.I supposed I am the oldest woman doing Strong in her class which goes to show that age is just a number.

I could go on and on about Zumba by Adeline but I will save it for another day

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