Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Drink and be healthy

I find it odd that the society are competing to look trendy and fashionable but they forget that health should come first.What is the point of wearing the prettiest attire when you are not healthy inside.It's like carrying a thousand ringgit handbag with five ringgit in it!

You may argue that you exercise at the best gym or you practice yoga with the best teacher.That is good,well done,but do you realise that a healthy regime consists of good eating habits,exercise and enough sleep.

Being humans we cannot resist the temptation of delicious food especially desserts.Maybe there are those with strong willpower but I am guilty of being easily succumbing to cakes and chocolate!

At my age those are health hazards then I realized that although I practice yoga and aerobics,I am still not healthy.

I was lucky to be introduced to the Gaharu Tea Valley during my assignment as a reporter two years ago.I learned about the benefit of the gaharu tea and oil when I did my research.

Fast forwad to now,I had the opportunity to try the new Gaharu drink known as GOGA.(Gopeng Gaharu)I am not going to explain about why Gopeng Gaharu because it's widely known that Gopeng has the largest organic Gaharu plantation.The rest you can google it up.

So I started drinking my new health drink as a supplement.Guess what?I feel healthier,I sleep well and I don't get stress up easily like before.

It is costly,well gaharu is the most expensive commodity in the world.Since it made me feel good,I decided to share it with friends from my exercise class.None of them showed interest.They prefer to  indulge in expensive handbags,make up and clothes.Why?

Not many are willing to spend their ringgit on healthy supplements because it cant be seen.Superficial?Yes.

So there you go.Aging comes with a price.The hospital bill or health supplement.Think about it.

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