Saturday, November 19, 2016

Bukit Berapit

The world is revolving fast and with that comes new technologies and mode of transportation. Gone are the days of  slow moving 'Choo Choo train '.Some have fond memories of the good old days where taking a locomotive  is not a rush for tickets because not many wants to take the slow ride and enjoy the sceneries.

Currently Malaysia have fast moving electric  trains  that will take passengers to their destinations in a short span of time.Going to Kuala Lumpur  from Ipoh is only two hours by the new ETS (electric train service ). Choo Choo train is outdated.People are buying time and most are not keen to watch sceneries through the window of a slow moving train.We have yet to experience the bullet train in Malaysia.

However,everything in life has its pros and cons.Going at the speed of light may be good for those who are travelling on a working trip but as for the oldies who are only going on a trip to visit their grandchildren, they would prefer to take an idyllic train rides.

Nostalgia often hit us as we reminisced and we wished to go back in time.Alan Bligh, former Radio and TV  Announcer recalled his special train rides to Penang from Ipoh with his grandmother when he was in Primary school.

"I can still remember those happy days when train rides was a treat for the kids.At that time we do not bother about the long hours spent on a train ride because of the sceneries. My favourite was the ride to Butterworth from Ipoh." said Alan with a chuckle.

"I look forward to those train rides to Butterworth because of the tunnels at Bukit Berapit.I remember feeling excited when the train reached Bukit Berapit and the train would move slowly as we entered the tunnels and as it crossed the Bukit Merah lake."

"It was so beautiful, the water was so close to the moving train on both sides because the track was at ground level and sometime the water would rise and cover the track."

Although the sight was magical, it was not safe and reliable. So the latest electric train uses a new double track on a high bridge that crosses the lake.

The new bridge called the Marine Viaduct is a two lane railway track that is higher than the old bridge.It is safer and more convenient in case of flood.

According to the group members of 'Jom naik Keretapi ' on Facebook  which includes Datuk Lat and Alan himself, the old rail track had made way for the new ETS track that goes to Padang Besar.The new tunnel is the longest tunnel in South East Asia and it was built  below the old tunnels. The old tunnels are still there,a reminder of the past.It was where the Japanese and Communist used during the war.

The old railway bridge which looks like the ones in the movie 'Indiana Jones ' is no longer there but the Bukit Berapit station is still there.Those who are game for adventure can still go to the old track and take a walk to the old tunnels.It is advisable to go in a group because it is a lonely place and some say that the tunnels are haunted.

Ex workers claimed to see ghost and 'pontianak' at the old Bukit Berapit tunnel but then again this is normal for any abandoned building especially tunnels.

The  railway track from Bukit Gantang to Taiping was built in 1902 and it began operation in 1903.There were four tunnels and a high bridge along Bukit Berapit. From the bridge, passengers of the train could see the beautiful surroundings ,ravines and the waterfalls.The train had to run at a low speed here because of the winding track and the height of the bridge.

Trains could only go at 40 km per hour  along that stretch of old track therefore the new ETS that is in operation now are a blessing for travellers to Perlis and from Perlis to Singapore.

"The old track had seen tragedies of train falling off the bridge into the ravine  during the old days.One was a train that carried boxes of medicines and stuff in the 70s." said a member of 'Jom naik Keretapi.'

History has it that the fort of Long Jaafar,the first Malay tin miner and his grave are situated along the vicinity of the old railway station of Bukit Berapit.There were suggestions of having the Bukit Berapit station be preserved but it has yet to see the light of day.The station was shut down  during the year 2000.

The old railway track was dismantled sometime in 2013 but people can still walk along the the site for photography and adventure.'Jom naik Keretapi' group is a platform for all train lovers to discuss and exchange views regarding the past and the latest.

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