Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Sea

As much as I love nature,I am not into walking under the hot sun by the sea.I am more into hills and jungles.

So I was invited to stay at the Swiss Garden Damai Laut Beach Resort.A good friend invited me to stay the night there and see another hidden gem in Perak.
I hear from people that the place is not in good shape,there are flies all over etc.I am not surprised if there were flies because dinding which surrounds the resort is full of poultry farms.

We reached Damai Laut around noon after a 2 hours of leisurely drive from Ipoh.The route to the resort from the signboard  is quite far but I love enchanting  sceneries so I do not mind the distance.Mangrove trees with monkeys running towards the car,I was thrilled.

We were met at the lobby which was full of people and not flies!The smell of lemongrass was soothing and we were served a welcome drink of lemongrass tea.Patrick the new General Manager showed us to our room which was on the 5th floor facing the sea.For once I noticed that the hotel had put two prayer mats for us.Knowing that we are Muslims of course.We then  had lunch at the coffee house,a beautiful place made of glass from top to bottom with water flowing on the glass roof to the ground.I actually love 

water features so this place was truly inviting.The food was well presented and tasty.No flies so I asked Patrick where are the flies?He said that he has ordered the staff to treat the hotel with certain sophisticated fly traps and lemongrass scented candles.So far so good.
We were taken by a tramp around the 400acres which includes the beautiful golf course.

We were also taken on a boat ride around the pangkor island and we saw a few secluded islands like the monkey island and pulau Giam.The sea in those area are crystal clear and we could see the fishes when we looked down.

I tried the ATV after the boat ride and it was pure fun.It's nice to forget our age sometimes.

Dinner was at their thai restaurant which overlook the sea and the sun set.Beautiful!
I had a good sleep in their well maintained room and the next morning we went on their jungle walk.I was in my element for I love nature and the hill trek was fun.There is a tree house in the jungle and it was my first adventure climbing a tree house.

After all the fun and adventure at Damai Laut,I left the place with a promise in my heart that I will return.With their medium cost hotel rate,Swiss Garden Damai Laut is a place to go for those who loves adventure and golf.

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